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Trochanteric Hip Bursitis


What is trochanteric hip bursitis?


Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the bursa (fluid-filled sac) on the outside of the hip known as the greater trochanter. When this bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, it causes pain usually along the outside or side of the hip.


What are the symptoms of trochanteric hip bursitis?


Typically, you will have pain on the outside of the hip, which may be worse with pressing on the area, stair climbing or exercise.


What causes trochanteric hip bursitis?


Injury to the area or overuse from sports or exercise are common causes of trochanteric bursitis.  Incorrect posture or soft tissue imbalance may stress the area as well causing bursitis and pain.















How do you treat trochanteric hip bursitis?


Initial treatment includes NSAIDS, rest, and ice.  Physical therapy may be beneficial to rebalance soft tissues and decrease inflammation.  If symptoms persist, a hip cortisone injection may be needed to decrease the inflammation and pain.  Rarely, surgery may be needed if conservative treatments are not effective.


How do you prevent trochanteric hip bursitis?


Because most cases of bursitis are caused by overuse, the best treatment is prevention.  Avoiding or modifying the activities that cause the problem is important.  Underlying conditions like improper posture or poor technique in sports or work must be corrected.  You should maintain a healthy body weight, improve the strength and flexibility of the hip muscles and avoid repetitive activities that place stress on the hips.


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© 2020 - Yasmin Dhar, M.D., Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery

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